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AlleleNews- In pursuit of global information and communication

Allele’s ardent endeavor to create a platform for relevant, technical, biology news is paying off with the potential for everyone to benefit from our philosophy that all researchers should be given an opportunity to talk to the world about their discoveries while being able to learn about techniques they might otherwise have never heard of.

Our news site which provides the latest updates of Allele Biotech business and product developments is now also a platform for the global scientific community to introduce their techniques, products, and various other discoveries. While we still provide these news releases on our blog site and other social networking venues, we will utilize this multichannel approach for news announcements to cater to the assortment of appetites around the globe.

Our most recent addition to the “News Releases from Other Companies” section of the AlleleNews site is from Randox Laboratories announcing their development of a rapid, multi-marker screen for illegal drugs that requires as little as 7ul of urine for the screening of up to 10 drug classes. They postulate that this innovating technology will eliminate time and cost for high throughput laboratories at the rate of 1088 tests per hour!

We encourage all to contribute to and look to AlleleNews as an archetype for the exchange of cutting edge news from around the world. For submission approval please email with “AlleleNews Submission” in the subject line.

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